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You can start by investing a minimum amount of 606 DAI (approx. 570€).
Investing in Tokeniza does not involve upfront costs such as opening fees, insurance or portfolio management fees.
If you buy the digitized security on blockchain, you will have to pay for the Ethereum network gas.
Once we have sufficient reserves to cover the principal amount of the Loan, we will notify the investors to proceed with the payment.
All investors will receive a full refund of the amounts contributed.
They start when the total funds raised, the AED 242,400 (approx. EUR 220,000) of NPL001, have been reached.
You can sell your participation to another investor.
We are working on a liquidity reserve to automate the secondary market, at the moment a buyer is required to sell the securities of your investment.
We offer continuous support and information from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 18:00 CET, through the web, Telegram and Whatsapp channels, email and telephone.
We offer support for the setup and use of the web wallet3 (Metamask).
In addition investors can choose to invest and receive returns in EUROS.
Investing in cryptoassets is not regulated, may not be suitable for retail investors and the entire amount invested may be lost.
It is important to read and understand the risks of this investment which are explained in detail at this location.
© 2023 Tokeniza Real Estate – Legal Notices