ERC-4337 Protocol and Your Enhanced User Experience

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In the vast and dynamic world of blockchain technology, Ethereum has always been a pioneer, offering innovative solutions to improve security, efficiency and user experience.
One of the most recent and promising developments is the ERC-4337 protocolprotocol, designed to revolutionize the way we interact with wallets and transactions on the Ethereum network.
In this article, we will explore what ERC-4337 is, how it improves the user experience and why it is a significant advancement in the blockchain ecosystem.

What is the ERC-4337 Protocol?

Difference between EIP-4337 and ERC-4337

EIP-4337 and ERC-4337 are talked about as if they were the same thing, but they are not.
On the one hand, we have the term “EIP”, an acronym for Ethereum Improvement Proposal; on the other, “ERC”: Ethereum Request for Comment.
The former refers to an ecosystem improvement proposal (EIP) which, after being accepted, becomes the latter (ERC).
ERC-4337 is an Ethereum ecosystem standard consisting of connecting accounts with smart contracts to generate what is known as “account abstraction”.

Account Abstraction

Account abstraction is the core of the ERC-4337 protocol.
Traditionally, Ethereum uses two types of accounts: user accounts (externally controlled) and smart contract accounts.
ERC-4337 blurs this distinction, allowing user accounts to act more like smart contracts and vice versa.
This is achieved by implementing bundlers, which are special smart contracts that group transactions and send them to the network efficiently.

How does ERC-4337 work?

Bundlers and Gas Abstraction

Bundlers are a key part of the ERC-4337 implementation.
They act as intermediaries that bundle multiple transactions into one, which not only improves efficiency but also allows users to pay transaction (gas) fees in tokens other than Ether.
This process, known as gas abstraction, allows greater flexibility and convenience for users, especially those who do not own Ether but have other tokens in their wallets【36†source】.

User Experience Enhancements

One of the major advantages of ERC-4337 is the significant improvement in user experience.
Wallets can offer advanced features such as:

Account recovery: In case of access loss, users can recover their accounts through alternative methods, such as multi-factor authentications.
Social signatures: Allow transactions to be approved by a trusted group of people, increasing security.
Flexible fee payment: Transaction fees can be paid by third parties or in different tokens, not just Ether.

Wallet Contracts

With ERC-4337, wallets are powered by smart contracts that can be programmed to perform a variety of automated functions, such as managing spending limits, scheduled transactions and more.
This means that wallets can be customized to meet users’ specific needs, enhancing the experience and security.

Advantages of the ERC-4337

Enhanced Security

Security is a primary concern in any blockchain application.
ERC-4337 introduces additional measures to protect users from attacks and losses.
The ability to recover accounts and the implementation of social signatures reduce the risk of permanent losses.


Usability has been a significant obstacle to the mass adoption of cryptocurrencies.
With ERC-4337, users experience a more user-friendly and accessible interface, which does not require in-depth knowledge of blockchain technology.
This includes simplified key management and flexibility in fee payment【36†source】.

Innovation and Flexibility

ERC-4337 allows developers to create new functionality and applications without being restricted by the limitations of traditional Ethereum accounts.
This opens up a range of possibilities for creating more intuitive and customized applications.

Cost Reduction

By bundling transactions and enabling payment of fees on alternative tokens, ERC-4337 can reduce the costs associated with using the Ethereum blockchain.
This is particularly beneficial for users and developers looking to minimize operational expenses.

History and Development of Protocol

Background on Account Abstraction

The idea of account abstraction is not entirely new to the Ethereum ecosystem.
Previously, several EIPs (Ethereum Improvement Proposals) have been proposed to address account flexibility and security.
ERC-4337 is an evolution of these earlier ideas, integrating and improving previously discussed concepts to offer a robust and scalable solution.

Implementation in the Mainnet

On March 1, 2023, ERC-4337 was implemented on the Ethereum mainnet, marking a significant milestone in the development of the blockchain.
This implementation allowed developers to begin experimenting with the protocol and adapt their applications to take advantage of the new capabilities offered by account abstraction.

Industry Impact

Companies Adopting ERC-4337

Large companies and projects have started to adopt ERC-4337 due to its advantages in terms of security and flexibility.
For example, Toyota has announced the development of a mobility-oriented account that integrates ERC-4337, allowing users to connect to mobility services through blockchain-based digital accounts.

Mobility Applications

In the mobility sector, ERC-4337 offers a secure and efficient platform for managing services and transactions.
Vehicles can have digital accounts that record all interactions and transactions, improving transparency and reducing the risk of fraud.

Collaborations and Projects in Development

Numerous projects are collaborating to explore and maximize the potential of ERC-4337.
The active participation of the developer community is crucial to identify and resolve issues, share experiences and propose improvements.
This collaboration ensures that the protocol remains relevant and effective as blockchain technology evolves.

Future Improvements and Upgrades

The evolution of ERC-4337 does not stop with its initial implementation.
The Ethereum community continues to work on improvements and updates that further optimize the security, usability and efficiency of the protocol.
These ongoing improvements are essential to maintaining Ethereum’s competitiveness and relevance in the growing blockchain ecosystem.

Challenges and Considerations

Technical Complexity

The implementation of ERC-4337 presents significant technical challenges.
The need to upgrade existing wallets and contracts to be compatible with the new standard can be a complex and costly process.
However, the long-term benefits in terms of security and usability justify these initial efforts.

Bundler Safety

The security of bundlers is a major concern.
These special smart contracts must be carefully designed and audited to avoid vulnerabilities that can be exploited by malicious actors.
Collaboration between developers and security experts is essential to ensure that bundlers are robust and secure.

Gas Abstraction Management

Gas abstraction management, while offering flexibility to users, also introduces new challenges in terms of efficiency and costs.
It is crucial to develop efficient mechanisms to handle the payment of fees on alternative tokens without compromising the speed and security of transactions.

Infrastructure and Centralization

The adoption of smart accounts implies the participation of more bundlers for which it will be necessary to develop specific infrastructures.
In the event that the number of bundlers does not increase significantly, network activity would remain in the hands of a reduced group of entities, which could compromise decentralization.


The ERC-4337 protocol represents a significant step towards improving the user experience in the Ethereum ecosystem.
With the introduction of account abstraction, enhanced security and flexibility in wallet and transaction management, ERC-4337 has the potential to make the Ethereum blockchain more accessible and appealing to a wider audience.
As adoption of this protocol grows, we are likely to see a positive impact on the usability and security of decentralized applications, encouraging wider adoption of blockchain technology.

ERC-4337 not only simplifies interaction with the blockchain, but also opens up new opportunities for innovation and the development of more intuitive and secure applications.
The evolution of this protocol and its implementation by the developer community will be determining factors in the future of the Ethereum ecosystem and, potentially, the world of cryptocurrencies in general.

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