DeFi and Tokenized Real Estate

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Tokenization and blockchain technology have revolutionized the way we interact with traditional financial assets. Now, thanks to innovative projects like Oceanpoint, the real estate market is joining this revolution. In this article, we will explore how the Oceanpoint protocol is transforming real estate tokenization in the world of decentralized finance (DeFi), and how its revolutionary approach is opening up new opportunities for real estate investors and owners.

Real Estate Tokenization and DeFi:

Real estate tokenization involves converting the economic entitlement of traditional real estate assets into digital tokens, allowing them to be fractionalized and transferred more quickly, efficiently and transparently. This approach gives investors the opportunity to participate in the real estate market without the need for large investments and lowers barriers to entry for real estate owners by broadening their potential investor base.

DeFi, on the other hand, refers to the application of blockchain technology in traditional financial services, eliminating intermediaries and enabling secure and transparent transactions. The combination of real estate tokenization and DeFi has the potential to create a liquid and accessible market for real estate assets.

Oceanpoint: The merger of Real Estate Tokenization and DeFi

Oceanpoint is a leading real estate tokenization protocol and is playing a pivotal role in the mass adoption of economic rights to real estate assets in the DeFi ecosystem. Based on blockchain technology, Oceanpoint offers a comprehensive solution that enables secondary market trading of real estate tokens in a secure and reliable manner.

The Oceanpoint platform uses technology from Blocksquare, Tokeniza’s technology partner, with extensive experience in real estate tokenization. Together, they have created a decentralized secondary market for tokenized real estate projects, providing DeFi investors with access to global real estate investment opportunities.  

OceanPoint integration into Tokenia’s marketplace will be available soon.

Key benefits of tokenized real estate investment:

1. Global accessibility: eliminates geographic and financial barriers, allowing investors from all over the world to participate in tokenized real estate projects in a secure and transparent manner.

2. Enhanced liquidity: Through Blocksquare’s certified partners, such as Tokeniza, investors can buy and sell real estate tokens efficiently, providing greater liquidity to the traditional real estate market. In addition, the OceanPoint protocol will enable automated buying and selling through liquidity pools.

Transparency and security: Thanks to blockchain technology, all transactions made in Tokeniza and Oceanpoint are recorded in an immutable and transparent manner, providing greater confidence and security to investors.

4. Increased diversification: Investors can diversify their portfolios through investment in multiple tokenized real estate projects, which reduces risk and increases investment opportunities.


Real estate tokenization and DeFi are redefining the way we interact with the traditional real estate market. Tokeniza and Oceanpoint, backed by Blocksquare technology, is a revolutionary protocol that combines these two concepts, creating a global marketplace of tokenized real estate projects. Ultimately, we are opening up new opportunities for real estate investors and owners, and paving the way for a more inclusive and efficient financial future.

If you are interested in exploring the world of real estate tokenization and DeFi, we invite you to visit Oceanpoint’ s website and discover the exciting opportunities offered by this innovative protocol. The real estate tokenization revolution is here, and Oceanpoint is leading the way to a more accessible and transparent future in the global real estate market.

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