The financing obtained will be used to acquire a Non Performing Loan, also known as a NPL (Non Performing Loan) With the funds raised, the team of professionals from TOKENIZA will access listings of mortgage NPLs of the main Spanish financial institutions and national and international funds, to identify real estate assets of interest in Spain.
We will negotiate with the property owners and financial institutions to subrogate in the best opportunities that will allow us to sell and monetize the property at public auction, and thus generate the projected returns.
The property associated with the NPL will also serve as collateral for the proposed investment.
To reserve and purchase the securities before the tokens are issued, the following steps must be taken:
You can make the purchase of the title reservation in the following payment methods:
Register in the Marketplace to view the associated documentation.
Vencimiento: 06/12/2024
Valor de Mercado: 500.000€
Coste NPL: 235.000€
Vencimiento: 15/12/2024
Valor de Mercado: 525.000€
Coste NPL: 255.000€
De la Oferta Pública de Emisión de Valores por una Empresa de Servicios de Inversión (ESI) con licencia de la CNMV.
Se establecen los Términos y Condiciones del Préstamo Participativo, para realizar con los fondos recaudados un proyecto de gestión y recuperación de deuda hipotecaria (NPL).
Reserva de los títulos de inversión, de momento establecida en un mes, con el objetivo de reducirla a menos de dos semanas.
El inversor puede elegir invertir de manera tradicional, es decir con cuenta bancaria y en Euros (€) u optar por la versión tokenizada de nuestro marketplace.
Distribución de los títulos reservados a los inversores y compra directa de títulos de inversión tokenizados en el marketplace.
El alcance del soft-cap marca el comienzo de devengo de los intereses en favor de los inversores.
Se habilita en el markeplace tras la compra del NPL hipotecario, permitiendo a los inversores transaccionar sus títulos tokenizados.
Comisión de servicio del 1,5% de la cantidad de token transaccionada, pagada por el comprador.
Tokeniza Real Estate re-compra los títulos de inversión a los inversores, a cambio del principal y los intereses del Préstamo Participativo, tras la monetización del NPL hipotecario.
You can start by investing a minimum amount of 600 DAI in Pre-sale and 120 DAI in the Sale phase.
Investing in Tokeniza does not involve upfront costs such as opening fees, insurance or portfolio management fees.
If you buy the digitized security on blockchain, you will have to pay for the Ethereum network gas.
Once we have sufficient reserves to cover the principal amount of the Loan, we will notify the investors to proceed with the payment.
All investors will receive a full refund of the amounts contributed.
We will invest the funds in the next analyzed opportunity that best fits the term and projected profitability of the loan agreed with the investors.
They start when the total funds raised, the AED 242,400 (approx. EUR 220,000) of NPL001, have been reached.
You can sell your participation to another investor.
We are working on a liquidity reserve to automate the secondary market, at the moment a buyer is required to sell the securities of your investment.
We offer continuous support and information from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 18:00 CET, through the web, Telegram and Whatsapp channels, email and telephone.
We offer support for the setup and use of the web wallet3 (Metamask).
In addition investors can choose to invest and receive returns in EUROS.
Fill in the form and download our detailed investor guide.
Investing in cryptoassets is not regulated and it may therefore not be suitable for retail investors as the entire amount invested may be lost.
It is important to read and understand the risks of this investment, which are explained in detail here.
© 2023 Tokeniza Real Estate – Legal Notice